
Glues instrumental.archive to to instrumental.compile, enabling in-memory archives as dependencies

Allows archives (produced by instrumental.archive) to be used as dependencies for instrumental.compile

Dependency Graph

Module Dependency


Use an in-memory archive as dependency when compiling, first compile api then compile imp:

	Archive api, imp;
	api = compiling()
					"package com.acme.api;                          \n" +

					"public interface Greet {                       \n" +

					"   public abstract String greeting(String to); \n" +

	imp = compiling()
					"package com.acme.imp;                          \n" +

					"import com.acme.api.Greet;                     \n" +

					"public class HelloService implements Greet {   \n" +

					"   @Override                                   \n" +
					"   public String greeting(String to)           \n" +
					"   {                                           \n" +
					"      return \"Hello \" + to;                  \n" +
					"   }                                           \n" +

	assertThat(imp.content("com/acme/imp/HelloService.class").isPresent(), is(true));

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Version: 0.1.0. Last Published: 2018-10-08.

Earcam Maven Skin.