Tag List Report
The following document contains the listing of user tags found in the code. Below is the summary of the occurrences per tag.
Tag Class | Total number of occurrences | Tag strings used by tag class |
Deprecation | 2 | @deprecated |
TODO | 3 | TODO |
Each tag is detailed below:
Number of occurrences found in the code: 2
io.earcam.instrumental.module.jpms.parser.Java9Parser | Line |
io.earcam.instrumental.module.jpms.parser.Java9Lexer | Line |
Use {@link #VOCABULARY} instead. | 114 |
Use {@link #VOCABULARY} instead. | 242 |
Number of occurrences found in the code: 3
io.earcam.instrumental.module.jpms.parser.AntlrParser | Line |
io.earcam.instrumental.module.jpms.ModuleInfoBuilder | Line |
io.earcam.instrumental.module.jpms.DefaultModuleInfo | Line |
check validate - expose a separate method? javax.validation? | 265 |
parse and build: annotations and import statements | 26 |
annotations, and possibly comments? | 41 |