View Javadoc
1   // Generated from io/earcam/instrumental/module/jpms/parser/Java9.g4 by ANTLR 4.7.1
2   package io.earcam.instrumental.module.jpms.parser;
3   import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeListener;
5   /**
6    * This interface defines a complete listener for a parse tree produced by
7    * {@link Java9Parser}.
8    */
9   interface Java9Listener extends ParseTreeListener {
10  	/**
11  	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#literal}.
12  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
13  	 */
14  	void enterLiteral(Java9Parser.LiteralContext ctx);
15  	/**
16  	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#literal}.
17  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
18  	 */
19  	void exitLiteral(Java9Parser.LiteralContext ctx);
20  	/**
21  	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primitiveType}.
22  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
23  	 */
24  	void enterPrimitiveType(Java9Parser.PrimitiveTypeContext ctx);
25  	/**
26  	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primitiveType}.
27  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
28  	 */
29  	void exitPrimitiveType(Java9Parser.PrimitiveTypeContext ctx);
30  	/**
31  	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#numericType}.
32  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
33  	 */
34  	void enterNumericType(Java9Parser.NumericTypeContext ctx);
35  	/**
36  	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#numericType}.
37  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
38  	 */
39  	void exitNumericType(Java9Parser.NumericTypeContext ctx);
40  	/**
41  	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#integralType}.
42  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
43  	 */
44  	void enterIntegralType(Java9Parser.IntegralTypeContext ctx);
45  	/**
46  	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#integralType}.
47  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
48  	 */
49  	void exitIntegralType(Java9Parser.IntegralTypeContext ctx);
50  	/**
51  	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#floatingPointType}.
52  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
53  	 */
54  	void enterFloatingPointType(Java9Parser.FloatingPointTypeContext ctx);
55  	/**
56  	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#floatingPointType}.
57  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
58  	 */
59  	void exitFloatingPointType(Java9Parser.FloatingPointTypeContext ctx);
60  	/**
61  	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#referenceType}.
62  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
63  	 */
64  	void enterReferenceType(Java9Parser.ReferenceTypeContext ctx);
65  	/**
66  	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#referenceType}.
67  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
68  	 */
69  	void exitReferenceType(Java9Parser.ReferenceTypeContext ctx);
70  	/**
71  	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classOrInterfaceType}.
72  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
73  	 */
74  	void enterClassOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.ClassOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
75  	/**
76  	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classOrInterfaceType}.
77  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
78  	 */
79  	void exitClassOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.ClassOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
80  	/**
81  	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classType}.
82  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
83  	 */
84  	void enterClassType(Java9Parser.ClassTypeContext ctx);
85  	/**
86  	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classType}.
87  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
88  	 */
89  	void exitClassType(Java9Parser.ClassTypeContext ctx);
90  	/**
91  	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classType_lf_classOrInterfaceType}.
92  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
93  	 */
94  	void enterClassType_lf_classOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.ClassType_lf_classOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
95  	/**
96  	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classType_lf_classOrInterfaceType}.
97  	 * @param ctx the parse tree
98  	 */
99  	void exitClassType_lf_classOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.ClassType_lf_classOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
100 	/**
101 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classType_lfno_classOrInterfaceType}.
102 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
103 	 */
104 	void enterClassType_lfno_classOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.ClassType_lfno_classOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
105 	/**
106 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classType_lfno_classOrInterfaceType}.
107 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
108 	 */
109 	void exitClassType_lfno_classOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.ClassType_lfno_classOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
110 	/**
111 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceType}.
112 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
113 	 */
114 	void enterInterfaceType(Java9Parser.InterfaceTypeContext ctx);
115 	/**
116 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceType}.
117 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
118 	 */
119 	void exitInterfaceType(Java9Parser.InterfaceTypeContext ctx);
120 	/**
121 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceType_lf_classOrInterfaceType}.
122 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
123 	 */
124 	void enterInterfaceType_lf_classOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.InterfaceType_lf_classOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
125 	/**
126 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceType_lf_classOrInterfaceType}.
127 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
128 	 */
129 	void exitInterfaceType_lf_classOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.InterfaceType_lf_classOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
130 	/**
131 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceType_lfno_classOrInterfaceType}.
132 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
133 	 */
134 	void enterInterfaceType_lfno_classOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.InterfaceType_lfno_classOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
135 	/**
136 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceType_lfno_classOrInterfaceType}.
137 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
138 	 */
139 	void exitInterfaceType_lfno_classOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.InterfaceType_lfno_classOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
140 	/**
141 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeVariable}.
142 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
143 	 */
144 	void enterTypeVariable(Java9Parser.TypeVariableContext ctx);
145 	/**
146 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeVariable}.
147 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
148 	 */
149 	void exitTypeVariable(Java9Parser.TypeVariableContext ctx);
150 	/**
151 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#arrayType}.
152 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
153 	 */
154 	void enterArrayType(Java9Parser.ArrayTypeContext ctx);
155 	/**
156 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#arrayType}.
157 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
158 	 */
159 	void exitArrayType(Java9Parser.ArrayTypeContext ctx);
160 	/**
161 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#dims}.
162 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
163 	 */
164 	void enterDims(Java9Parser.DimsContext ctx);
165 	/**
166 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#dims}.
167 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
168 	 */
169 	void exitDims(Java9Parser.DimsContext ctx);
170 	/**
171 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeParameter}.
172 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
173 	 */
174 	void enterTypeParameter(Java9Parser.TypeParameterContext ctx);
175 	/**
176 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeParameter}.
177 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
178 	 */
179 	void exitTypeParameter(Java9Parser.TypeParameterContext ctx);
180 	/**
181 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeParameterModifier}.
182 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
183 	 */
184 	void enterTypeParameterModifier(Java9Parser.TypeParameterModifierContext ctx);
185 	/**
186 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeParameterModifier}.
187 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
188 	 */
189 	void exitTypeParameterModifier(Java9Parser.TypeParameterModifierContext ctx);
190 	/**
191 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeBound}.
192 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
193 	 */
194 	void enterTypeBound(Java9Parser.TypeBoundContext ctx);
195 	/**
196 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeBound}.
197 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
198 	 */
199 	void exitTypeBound(Java9Parser.TypeBoundContext ctx);
200 	/**
201 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#additionalBound}.
202 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
203 	 */
204 	void enterAdditionalBound(Java9Parser.AdditionalBoundContext ctx);
205 	/**
206 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#additionalBound}.
207 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
208 	 */
209 	void exitAdditionalBound(Java9Parser.AdditionalBoundContext ctx);
210 	/**
211 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeArguments}.
212 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
213 	 */
214 	void enterTypeArguments(Java9Parser.TypeArgumentsContext ctx);
215 	/**
216 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeArguments}.
217 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
218 	 */
219 	void exitTypeArguments(Java9Parser.TypeArgumentsContext ctx);
220 	/**
221 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeArgumentList}.
222 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
223 	 */
224 	void enterTypeArgumentList(Java9Parser.TypeArgumentListContext ctx);
225 	/**
226 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeArgumentList}.
227 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
228 	 */
229 	void exitTypeArgumentList(Java9Parser.TypeArgumentListContext ctx);
230 	/**
231 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeArgument}.
232 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
233 	 */
234 	void enterTypeArgument(Java9Parser.TypeArgumentContext ctx);
235 	/**
236 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeArgument}.
237 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
238 	 */
239 	void exitTypeArgument(Java9Parser.TypeArgumentContext ctx);
240 	/**
241 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#wildcard}.
242 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
243 	 */
244 	void enterWildcard(Java9Parser.WildcardContext ctx);
245 	/**
246 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#wildcard}.
247 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
248 	 */
249 	void exitWildcard(Java9Parser.WildcardContext ctx);
250 	/**
251 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#wildcardBounds}.
252 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
253 	 */
254 	void enterWildcardBounds(Java9Parser.WildcardBoundsContext ctx);
255 	/**
256 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#wildcardBounds}.
257 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
258 	 */
259 	void exitWildcardBounds(Java9Parser.WildcardBoundsContext ctx);
260 	/**
261 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#moduleName}.
262 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
263 	 */
264 	void enterModuleName(Java9Parser.ModuleNameContext ctx);
265 	/**
266 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#moduleName}.
267 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
268 	 */
269 	void exitModuleName(Java9Parser.ModuleNameContext ctx);
270 	/**
271 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#packageName}.
272 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
273 	 */
274 	void enterPackageName(Java9Parser.PackageNameContext ctx);
275 	/**
276 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#packageName}.
277 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
278 	 */
279 	void exitPackageName(Java9Parser.PackageNameContext ctx);
280 	/**
281 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeName}.
282 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
283 	 */
284 	void enterTypeName(Java9Parser.TypeNameContext ctx);
285 	/**
286 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeName}.
287 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
288 	 */
289 	void exitTypeName(Java9Parser.TypeNameContext ctx);
290 	/**
291 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#packageOrTypeName}.
292 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
293 	 */
294 	void enterPackageOrTypeName(Java9Parser.PackageOrTypeNameContext ctx);
295 	/**
296 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#packageOrTypeName}.
297 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
298 	 */
299 	void exitPackageOrTypeName(Java9Parser.PackageOrTypeNameContext ctx);
300 	/**
301 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#expressionName}.
302 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
303 	 */
304 	void enterExpressionName(Java9Parser.ExpressionNameContext ctx);
305 	/**
306 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#expressionName}.
307 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
308 	 */
309 	void exitExpressionName(Java9Parser.ExpressionNameContext ctx);
310 	/**
311 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodName}.
312 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
313 	 */
314 	void enterMethodName(Java9Parser.MethodNameContext ctx);
315 	/**
316 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodName}.
317 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
318 	 */
319 	void exitMethodName(Java9Parser.MethodNameContext ctx);
320 	/**
321 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#ambiguousName}.
322 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
323 	 */
324 	void enterAmbiguousName(Java9Parser.AmbiguousNameContext ctx);
325 	/**
326 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#ambiguousName}.
327 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
328 	 */
329 	void exitAmbiguousName(Java9Parser.AmbiguousNameContext ctx);
330 	/**
331 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#compilationUnit}.
332 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
333 	 */
334 	void enterCompilationUnit(Java9Parser.CompilationUnitContext ctx);
335 	/**
336 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#compilationUnit}.
337 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
338 	 */
339 	void exitCompilationUnit(Java9Parser.CompilationUnitContext ctx);
340 	/**
341 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#ordinaryCompilation}.
342 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
343 	 */
344 	void enterOrdinaryCompilation(Java9Parser.OrdinaryCompilationContext ctx);
345 	/**
346 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#ordinaryCompilation}.
347 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
348 	 */
349 	void exitOrdinaryCompilation(Java9Parser.OrdinaryCompilationContext ctx);
350 	/**
351 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#modularCompilation}.
352 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
353 	 */
354 	void enterModularCompilation(Java9Parser.ModularCompilationContext ctx);
355 	/**
356 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#modularCompilation}.
357 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
358 	 */
359 	void exitModularCompilation(Java9Parser.ModularCompilationContext ctx);
360 	/**
361 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#packageDeclaration}.
362 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
363 	 */
364 	void enterPackageDeclaration(Java9Parser.PackageDeclarationContext ctx);
365 	/**
366 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#packageDeclaration}.
367 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
368 	 */
369 	void exitPackageDeclaration(Java9Parser.PackageDeclarationContext ctx);
370 	/**
371 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#packageModifier}.
372 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
373 	 */
374 	void enterPackageModifier(Java9Parser.PackageModifierContext ctx);
375 	/**
376 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#packageModifier}.
377 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
378 	 */
379 	void exitPackageModifier(Java9Parser.PackageModifierContext ctx);
380 	/**
381 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#importDeclaration}.
382 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
383 	 */
384 	void enterImportDeclaration(Java9Parser.ImportDeclarationContext ctx);
385 	/**
386 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#importDeclaration}.
387 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
388 	 */
389 	void exitImportDeclaration(Java9Parser.ImportDeclarationContext ctx);
390 	/**
391 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#singleTypeImportDeclaration}.
392 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
393 	 */
394 	void enterSingleTypeImportDeclaration(Java9Parser.SingleTypeImportDeclarationContext ctx);
395 	/**
396 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#singleTypeImportDeclaration}.
397 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
398 	 */
399 	void exitSingleTypeImportDeclaration(Java9Parser.SingleTypeImportDeclarationContext ctx);
400 	/**
401 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeImportOnDemandDeclaration}.
402 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
403 	 */
404 	void enterTypeImportOnDemandDeclaration(Java9Parser.TypeImportOnDemandDeclarationContext ctx);
405 	/**
406 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeImportOnDemandDeclaration}.
407 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
408 	 */
409 	void exitTypeImportOnDemandDeclaration(Java9Parser.TypeImportOnDemandDeclarationContext ctx);
410 	/**
411 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#singleStaticImportDeclaration}.
412 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
413 	 */
414 	void enterSingleStaticImportDeclaration(Java9Parser.SingleStaticImportDeclarationContext ctx);
415 	/**
416 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#singleStaticImportDeclaration}.
417 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
418 	 */
419 	void exitSingleStaticImportDeclaration(Java9Parser.SingleStaticImportDeclarationContext ctx);
420 	/**
421 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#staticImportOnDemandDeclaration}.
422 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
423 	 */
424 	void enterStaticImportOnDemandDeclaration(Java9Parser.StaticImportOnDemandDeclarationContext ctx);
425 	/**
426 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#staticImportOnDemandDeclaration}.
427 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
428 	 */
429 	void exitStaticImportOnDemandDeclaration(Java9Parser.StaticImportOnDemandDeclarationContext ctx);
430 	/**
431 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeDeclaration}.
432 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
433 	 */
434 	void enterTypeDeclaration(Java9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext ctx);
435 	/**
436 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeDeclaration}.
437 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
438 	 */
439 	void exitTypeDeclaration(Java9Parser.TypeDeclarationContext ctx);
440 	/**
441 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#moduleDeclaration}.
442 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
443 	 */
444 	void enterModuleDeclaration(Java9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext ctx);
445 	/**
446 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#moduleDeclaration}.
447 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
448 	 */
449 	void exitModuleDeclaration(Java9Parser.ModuleDeclarationContext ctx);
450 	/**
451 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#moduleDirective}.
452 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
453 	 */
454 	void enterModuleDirective(Java9Parser.ModuleDirectiveContext ctx);
455 	/**
456 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#moduleDirective}.
457 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
458 	 */
459 	void exitModuleDirective(Java9Parser.ModuleDirectiveContext ctx);
460 	/**
461 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#requiresDirective}.
462 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
463 	 */
464 	void enterRequiresDirective(Java9Parser.RequiresDirectiveContext ctx);
465 	/**
466 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#requiresDirective}.
467 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
468 	 */
469 	void exitRequiresDirective(Java9Parser.RequiresDirectiveContext ctx);
470 	/**
471 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#exportsDirective}.
472 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
473 	 */
474 	void enterExportsDirective(Java9Parser.ExportsDirectiveContext ctx);
475 	/**
476 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#exportsDirective}.
477 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
478 	 */
479 	void exitExportsDirective(Java9Parser.ExportsDirectiveContext ctx);
480 	/**
481 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#opensDirective}.
482 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
483 	 */
484 	void enterOpensDirective(Java9Parser.OpensDirectiveContext ctx);
485 	/**
486 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#opensDirective}.
487 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
488 	 */
489 	void exitOpensDirective(Java9Parser.OpensDirectiveContext ctx);
490 	/**
491 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#usesDirective}.
492 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
493 	 */
494 	void enterUsesDirective(Java9Parser.UsesDirectiveContext ctx);
495 	/**
496 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#usesDirective}.
497 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
498 	 */
499 	void exitUsesDirective(Java9Parser.UsesDirectiveContext ctx);
500 	/**
501 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#providesDirective}.
502 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
503 	 */
504 	void enterProvidesDirective(Java9Parser.ProvidesDirectiveContext ctx);
505 	/**
506 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#providesDirective}.
507 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
508 	 */
509 	void exitProvidesDirective(Java9Parser.ProvidesDirectiveContext ctx);
510 	/**
511 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#requiresModifier}.
512 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
513 	 */
514 	void enterRequiresModifier(Java9Parser.RequiresModifierContext ctx);
515 	/**
516 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#requiresModifier}.
517 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
518 	 */
519 	void exitRequiresModifier(Java9Parser.RequiresModifierContext ctx);
520 	/**
521 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classDeclaration}.
522 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
523 	 */
524 	void enterClassDeclaration(Java9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext ctx);
525 	/**
526 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classDeclaration}.
527 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
528 	 */
529 	void exitClassDeclaration(Java9Parser.ClassDeclarationContext ctx);
530 	/**
531 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#normalClassDeclaration}.
532 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
533 	 */
534 	void enterNormalClassDeclaration(Java9Parser.NormalClassDeclarationContext ctx);
535 	/**
536 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#normalClassDeclaration}.
537 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
538 	 */
539 	void exitNormalClassDeclaration(Java9Parser.NormalClassDeclarationContext ctx);
540 	/**
541 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classModifier}.
542 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
543 	 */
544 	void enterClassModifier(Java9Parser.ClassModifierContext ctx);
545 	/**
546 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classModifier}.
547 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
548 	 */
549 	void exitClassModifier(Java9Parser.ClassModifierContext ctx);
550 	/**
551 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeParameters}.
552 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
553 	 */
554 	void enterTypeParameters(Java9Parser.TypeParametersContext ctx);
555 	/**
556 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeParameters}.
557 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
558 	 */
559 	void exitTypeParameters(Java9Parser.TypeParametersContext ctx);
560 	/**
561 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeParameterList}.
562 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
563 	 */
564 	void enterTypeParameterList(Java9Parser.TypeParameterListContext ctx);
565 	/**
566 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeParameterList}.
567 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
568 	 */
569 	void exitTypeParameterList(Java9Parser.TypeParameterListContext ctx);
570 	/**
571 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#superclass}.
572 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
573 	 */
574 	void enterSuperclass(Java9Parser.SuperclassContext ctx);
575 	/**
576 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#superclass}.
577 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
578 	 */
579 	void exitSuperclass(Java9Parser.SuperclassContext ctx);
580 	/**
581 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#superinterfaces}.
582 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
583 	 */
584 	void enterSuperinterfaces(Java9Parser.SuperinterfacesContext ctx);
585 	/**
586 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#superinterfaces}.
587 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
588 	 */
589 	void exitSuperinterfaces(Java9Parser.SuperinterfacesContext ctx);
590 	/**
591 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceTypeList}.
592 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
593 	 */
594 	void enterInterfaceTypeList(Java9Parser.InterfaceTypeListContext ctx);
595 	/**
596 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceTypeList}.
597 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
598 	 */
599 	void exitInterfaceTypeList(Java9Parser.InterfaceTypeListContext ctx);
600 	/**
601 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classBody}.
602 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
603 	 */
604 	void enterClassBody(Java9Parser.ClassBodyContext ctx);
605 	/**
606 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classBody}.
607 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
608 	 */
609 	void exitClassBody(Java9Parser.ClassBodyContext ctx);
610 	/**
611 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classBodyDeclaration}.
612 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
613 	 */
614 	void enterClassBodyDeclaration(Java9Parser.ClassBodyDeclarationContext ctx);
615 	/**
616 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classBodyDeclaration}.
617 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
618 	 */
619 	void exitClassBodyDeclaration(Java9Parser.ClassBodyDeclarationContext ctx);
620 	/**
621 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classMemberDeclaration}.
622 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
623 	 */
624 	void enterClassMemberDeclaration(Java9Parser.ClassMemberDeclarationContext ctx);
625 	/**
626 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classMemberDeclaration}.
627 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
628 	 */
629 	void exitClassMemberDeclaration(Java9Parser.ClassMemberDeclarationContext ctx);
630 	/**
631 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#fieldDeclaration}.
632 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
633 	 */
634 	void enterFieldDeclaration(Java9Parser.FieldDeclarationContext ctx);
635 	/**
636 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#fieldDeclaration}.
637 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
638 	 */
639 	void exitFieldDeclaration(Java9Parser.FieldDeclarationContext ctx);
640 	/**
641 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#fieldModifier}.
642 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
643 	 */
644 	void enterFieldModifier(Java9Parser.FieldModifierContext ctx);
645 	/**
646 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#fieldModifier}.
647 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
648 	 */
649 	void exitFieldModifier(Java9Parser.FieldModifierContext ctx);
650 	/**
651 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#variableDeclaratorList}.
652 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
653 	 */
654 	void enterVariableDeclaratorList(Java9Parser.VariableDeclaratorListContext ctx);
655 	/**
656 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#variableDeclaratorList}.
657 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
658 	 */
659 	void exitVariableDeclaratorList(Java9Parser.VariableDeclaratorListContext ctx);
660 	/**
661 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#variableDeclarator}.
662 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
663 	 */
664 	void enterVariableDeclarator(Java9Parser.VariableDeclaratorContext ctx);
665 	/**
666 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#variableDeclarator}.
667 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
668 	 */
669 	void exitVariableDeclarator(Java9Parser.VariableDeclaratorContext ctx);
670 	/**
671 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#variableDeclaratorId}.
672 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
673 	 */
674 	void enterVariableDeclaratorId(Java9Parser.VariableDeclaratorIdContext ctx);
675 	/**
676 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#variableDeclaratorId}.
677 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
678 	 */
679 	void exitVariableDeclaratorId(Java9Parser.VariableDeclaratorIdContext ctx);
680 	/**
681 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#variableInitializer}.
682 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
683 	 */
684 	void enterVariableInitializer(Java9Parser.VariableInitializerContext ctx);
685 	/**
686 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#variableInitializer}.
687 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
688 	 */
689 	void exitVariableInitializer(Java9Parser.VariableInitializerContext ctx);
690 	/**
691 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannType}.
692 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
693 	 */
694 	void enterUnannType(Java9Parser.UnannTypeContext ctx);
695 	/**
696 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannType}.
697 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
698 	 */
699 	void exitUnannType(Java9Parser.UnannTypeContext ctx);
700 	/**
701 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannPrimitiveType}.
702 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
703 	 */
704 	void enterUnannPrimitiveType(Java9Parser.UnannPrimitiveTypeContext ctx);
705 	/**
706 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannPrimitiveType}.
707 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
708 	 */
709 	void exitUnannPrimitiveType(Java9Parser.UnannPrimitiveTypeContext ctx);
710 	/**
711 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannReferenceType}.
712 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
713 	 */
714 	void enterUnannReferenceType(Java9Parser.UnannReferenceTypeContext ctx);
715 	/**
716 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannReferenceType}.
717 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
718 	 */
719 	void exitUnannReferenceType(Java9Parser.UnannReferenceTypeContext ctx);
720 	/**
721 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannClassOrInterfaceType}.
722 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
723 	 */
724 	void enterUnannClassOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.UnannClassOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
725 	/**
726 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannClassOrInterfaceType}.
727 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
728 	 */
729 	void exitUnannClassOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.UnannClassOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
730 	/**
731 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannClassType}.
732 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
733 	 */
734 	void enterUnannClassType(Java9Parser.UnannClassTypeContext ctx);
735 	/**
736 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannClassType}.
737 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
738 	 */
739 	void exitUnannClassType(Java9Parser.UnannClassTypeContext ctx);
740 	/**
741 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannClassType_lf_unannClassOrInterfaceType}.
742 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
743 	 */
744 	void enterUnannClassType_lf_unannClassOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.UnannClassType_lf_unannClassOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
745 	/**
746 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannClassType_lf_unannClassOrInterfaceType}.
747 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
748 	 */
749 	void exitUnannClassType_lf_unannClassOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.UnannClassType_lf_unannClassOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
750 	/**
751 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannClassType_lfno_unannClassOrInterfaceType}.
752 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
753 	 */
754 	void enterUnannClassType_lfno_unannClassOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.UnannClassType_lfno_unannClassOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
755 	/**
756 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannClassType_lfno_unannClassOrInterfaceType}.
757 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
758 	 */
759 	void exitUnannClassType_lfno_unannClassOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.UnannClassType_lfno_unannClassOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
760 	/**
761 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannInterfaceType}.
762 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
763 	 */
764 	void enterUnannInterfaceType(Java9Parser.UnannInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
765 	/**
766 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannInterfaceType}.
767 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
768 	 */
769 	void exitUnannInterfaceType(Java9Parser.UnannInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
770 	/**
771 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannInterfaceType_lf_unannClassOrInterfaceType}.
772 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
773 	 */
774 	void enterUnannInterfaceType_lf_unannClassOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.UnannInterfaceType_lf_unannClassOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
775 	/**
776 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannInterfaceType_lf_unannClassOrInterfaceType}.
777 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
778 	 */
779 	void exitUnannInterfaceType_lf_unannClassOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.UnannInterfaceType_lf_unannClassOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
780 	/**
781 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannInterfaceType_lfno_unannClassOrInterfaceType}.
782 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
783 	 */
784 	void enterUnannInterfaceType_lfno_unannClassOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.UnannInterfaceType_lfno_unannClassOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
785 	/**
786 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannInterfaceType_lfno_unannClassOrInterfaceType}.
787 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
788 	 */
789 	void exitUnannInterfaceType_lfno_unannClassOrInterfaceType(Java9Parser.UnannInterfaceType_lfno_unannClassOrInterfaceTypeContext ctx);
790 	/**
791 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannTypeVariable}.
792 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
793 	 */
794 	void enterUnannTypeVariable(Java9Parser.UnannTypeVariableContext ctx);
795 	/**
796 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannTypeVariable}.
797 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
798 	 */
799 	void exitUnannTypeVariable(Java9Parser.UnannTypeVariableContext ctx);
800 	/**
801 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannArrayType}.
802 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
803 	 */
804 	void enterUnannArrayType(Java9Parser.UnannArrayTypeContext ctx);
805 	/**
806 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unannArrayType}.
807 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
808 	 */
809 	void exitUnannArrayType(Java9Parser.UnannArrayTypeContext ctx);
810 	/**
811 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodDeclaration}.
812 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
813 	 */
814 	void enterMethodDeclaration(Java9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext ctx);
815 	/**
816 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodDeclaration}.
817 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
818 	 */
819 	void exitMethodDeclaration(Java9Parser.MethodDeclarationContext ctx);
820 	/**
821 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodModifier}.
822 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
823 	 */
824 	void enterMethodModifier(Java9Parser.MethodModifierContext ctx);
825 	/**
826 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodModifier}.
827 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
828 	 */
829 	void exitMethodModifier(Java9Parser.MethodModifierContext ctx);
830 	/**
831 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodHeader}.
832 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
833 	 */
834 	void enterMethodHeader(Java9Parser.MethodHeaderContext ctx);
835 	/**
836 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodHeader}.
837 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
838 	 */
839 	void exitMethodHeader(Java9Parser.MethodHeaderContext ctx);
840 	/**
841 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#result}.
842 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
843 	 */
844 	void enterResult(Java9Parser.ResultContext ctx);
845 	/**
846 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#result}.
847 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
848 	 */
849 	void exitResult(Java9Parser.ResultContext ctx);
850 	/**
851 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodDeclarator}.
852 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
853 	 */
854 	void enterMethodDeclarator(Java9Parser.MethodDeclaratorContext ctx);
855 	/**
856 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodDeclarator}.
857 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
858 	 */
859 	void exitMethodDeclarator(Java9Parser.MethodDeclaratorContext ctx);
860 	/**
861 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#formalParameterList}.
862 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
863 	 */
864 	void enterFormalParameterList(Java9Parser.FormalParameterListContext ctx);
865 	/**
866 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#formalParameterList}.
867 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
868 	 */
869 	void exitFormalParameterList(Java9Parser.FormalParameterListContext ctx);
870 	/**
871 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#formalParameters}.
872 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
873 	 */
874 	void enterFormalParameters(Java9Parser.FormalParametersContext ctx);
875 	/**
876 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#formalParameters}.
877 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
878 	 */
879 	void exitFormalParameters(Java9Parser.FormalParametersContext ctx);
880 	/**
881 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#formalParameter}.
882 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
883 	 */
884 	void enterFormalParameter(Java9Parser.FormalParameterContext ctx);
885 	/**
886 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#formalParameter}.
887 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
888 	 */
889 	void exitFormalParameter(Java9Parser.FormalParameterContext ctx);
890 	/**
891 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#variableModifier}.
892 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
893 	 */
894 	void enterVariableModifier(Java9Parser.VariableModifierContext ctx);
895 	/**
896 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#variableModifier}.
897 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
898 	 */
899 	void exitVariableModifier(Java9Parser.VariableModifierContext ctx);
900 	/**
901 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#lastFormalParameter}.
902 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
903 	 */
904 	void enterLastFormalParameter(Java9Parser.LastFormalParameterContext ctx);
905 	/**
906 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#lastFormalParameter}.
907 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
908 	 */
909 	void exitLastFormalParameter(Java9Parser.LastFormalParameterContext ctx);
910 	/**
911 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#receiverParameter}.
912 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
913 	 */
914 	void enterReceiverParameter(Java9Parser.ReceiverParameterContext ctx);
915 	/**
916 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#receiverParameter}.
917 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
918 	 */
919 	void exitReceiverParameter(Java9Parser.ReceiverParameterContext ctx);
920 	/**
921 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#throws_}.
922 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
923 	 */
924 	void enterThrows_(Java9Parser.Throws_Context ctx);
925 	/**
926 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#throws_}.
927 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
928 	 */
929 	void exitThrows_(Java9Parser.Throws_Context ctx);
930 	/**
931 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#exceptionTypeList}.
932 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
933 	 */
934 	void enterExceptionTypeList(Java9Parser.ExceptionTypeListContext ctx);
935 	/**
936 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#exceptionTypeList}.
937 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
938 	 */
939 	void exitExceptionTypeList(Java9Parser.ExceptionTypeListContext ctx);
940 	/**
941 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#exceptionType}.
942 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
943 	 */
944 	void enterExceptionType(Java9Parser.ExceptionTypeContext ctx);
945 	/**
946 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#exceptionType}.
947 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
948 	 */
949 	void exitExceptionType(Java9Parser.ExceptionTypeContext ctx);
950 	/**
951 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodBody}.
952 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
953 	 */
954 	void enterMethodBody(Java9Parser.MethodBodyContext ctx);
955 	/**
956 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodBody}.
957 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
958 	 */
959 	void exitMethodBody(Java9Parser.MethodBodyContext ctx);
960 	/**
961 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#instanceInitializer}.
962 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
963 	 */
964 	void enterInstanceInitializer(Java9Parser.InstanceInitializerContext ctx);
965 	/**
966 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#instanceInitializer}.
967 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
968 	 */
969 	void exitInstanceInitializer(Java9Parser.InstanceInitializerContext ctx);
970 	/**
971 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#staticInitializer}.
972 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
973 	 */
974 	void enterStaticInitializer(Java9Parser.StaticInitializerContext ctx);
975 	/**
976 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#staticInitializer}.
977 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
978 	 */
979 	void exitStaticInitializer(Java9Parser.StaticInitializerContext ctx);
980 	/**
981 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#constructorDeclaration}.
982 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
983 	 */
984 	void enterConstructorDeclaration(Java9Parser.ConstructorDeclarationContext ctx);
985 	/**
986 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#constructorDeclaration}.
987 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
988 	 */
989 	void exitConstructorDeclaration(Java9Parser.ConstructorDeclarationContext ctx);
990 	/**
991 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#constructorModifier}.
992 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
993 	 */
994 	void enterConstructorModifier(Java9Parser.ConstructorModifierContext ctx);
995 	/**
996 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#constructorModifier}.
997 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
998 	 */
999 	void exitConstructorModifier(Java9Parser.ConstructorModifierContext ctx);
1000 	/**
1001 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#constructorDeclarator}.
1002 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1003 	 */
1004 	void enterConstructorDeclarator(Java9Parser.ConstructorDeclaratorContext ctx);
1005 	/**
1006 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#constructorDeclarator}.
1007 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1008 	 */
1009 	void exitConstructorDeclarator(Java9Parser.ConstructorDeclaratorContext ctx);
1010 	/**
1011 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#simpleTypeName}.
1012 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1013 	 */
1014 	void enterSimpleTypeName(Java9Parser.SimpleTypeNameContext ctx);
1015 	/**
1016 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#simpleTypeName}.
1017 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1018 	 */
1019 	void exitSimpleTypeName(Java9Parser.SimpleTypeNameContext ctx);
1020 	/**
1021 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#constructorBody}.
1022 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1023 	 */
1024 	void enterConstructorBody(Java9Parser.ConstructorBodyContext ctx);
1025 	/**
1026 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#constructorBody}.
1027 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1028 	 */
1029 	void exitConstructorBody(Java9Parser.ConstructorBodyContext ctx);
1030 	/**
1031 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#explicitConstructorInvocation}.
1032 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1033 	 */
1034 	void enterExplicitConstructorInvocation(Java9Parser.ExplicitConstructorInvocationContext ctx);
1035 	/**
1036 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#explicitConstructorInvocation}.
1037 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1038 	 */
1039 	void exitExplicitConstructorInvocation(Java9Parser.ExplicitConstructorInvocationContext ctx);
1040 	/**
1041 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enumDeclaration}.
1042 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1043 	 */
1044 	void enterEnumDeclaration(Java9Parser.EnumDeclarationContext ctx);
1045 	/**
1046 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enumDeclaration}.
1047 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1048 	 */
1049 	void exitEnumDeclaration(Java9Parser.EnumDeclarationContext ctx);
1050 	/**
1051 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enumBody}.
1052 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1053 	 */
1054 	void enterEnumBody(Java9Parser.EnumBodyContext ctx);
1055 	/**
1056 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enumBody}.
1057 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1058 	 */
1059 	void exitEnumBody(Java9Parser.EnumBodyContext ctx);
1060 	/**
1061 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enumConstantList}.
1062 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1063 	 */
1064 	void enterEnumConstantList(Java9Parser.EnumConstantListContext ctx);
1065 	/**
1066 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enumConstantList}.
1067 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1068 	 */
1069 	void exitEnumConstantList(Java9Parser.EnumConstantListContext ctx);
1070 	/**
1071 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enumConstant}.
1072 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1073 	 */
1074 	void enterEnumConstant(Java9Parser.EnumConstantContext ctx);
1075 	/**
1076 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enumConstant}.
1077 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1078 	 */
1079 	void exitEnumConstant(Java9Parser.EnumConstantContext ctx);
1080 	/**
1081 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enumConstantModifier}.
1082 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1083 	 */
1084 	void enterEnumConstantModifier(Java9Parser.EnumConstantModifierContext ctx);
1085 	/**
1086 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enumConstantModifier}.
1087 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1088 	 */
1089 	void exitEnumConstantModifier(Java9Parser.EnumConstantModifierContext ctx);
1090 	/**
1091 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enumBodyDeclarations}.
1092 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1093 	 */
1094 	void enterEnumBodyDeclarations(Java9Parser.EnumBodyDeclarationsContext ctx);
1095 	/**
1096 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enumBodyDeclarations}.
1097 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1098 	 */
1099 	void exitEnumBodyDeclarations(Java9Parser.EnumBodyDeclarationsContext ctx);
1100 	/**
1101 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceDeclaration}.
1102 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1103 	 */
1104 	void enterInterfaceDeclaration(Java9Parser.InterfaceDeclarationContext ctx);
1105 	/**
1106 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceDeclaration}.
1107 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1108 	 */
1109 	void exitInterfaceDeclaration(Java9Parser.InterfaceDeclarationContext ctx);
1110 	/**
1111 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#normalInterfaceDeclaration}.
1112 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1113 	 */
1114 	void enterNormalInterfaceDeclaration(Java9Parser.NormalInterfaceDeclarationContext ctx);
1115 	/**
1116 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#normalInterfaceDeclaration}.
1117 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1118 	 */
1119 	void exitNormalInterfaceDeclaration(Java9Parser.NormalInterfaceDeclarationContext ctx);
1120 	/**
1121 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceModifier}.
1122 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1123 	 */
1124 	void enterInterfaceModifier(Java9Parser.InterfaceModifierContext ctx);
1125 	/**
1126 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceModifier}.
1127 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1128 	 */
1129 	void exitInterfaceModifier(Java9Parser.InterfaceModifierContext ctx);
1130 	/**
1131 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#extendsInterfaces}.
1132 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1133 	 */
1134 	void enterExtendsInterfaces(Java9Parser.ExtendsInterfacesContext ctx);
1135 	/**
1136 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#extendsInterfaces}.
1137 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1138 	 */
1139 	void exitExtendsInterfaces(Java9Parser.ExtendsInterfacesContext ctx);
1140 	/**
1141 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceBody}.
1142 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1143 	 */
1144 	void enterInterfaceBody(Java9Parser.InterfaceBodyContext ctx);
1145 	/**
1146 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceBody}.
1147 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1148 	 */
1149 	void exitInterfaceBody(Java9Parser.InterfaceBodyContext ctx);
1150 	/**
1151 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceMemberDeclaration}.
1152 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1153 	 */
1154 	void enterInterfaceMemberDeclaration(Java9Parser.InterfaceMemberDeclarationContext ctx);
1155 	/**
1156 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceMemberDeclaration}.
1157 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1158 	 */
1159 	void exitInterfaceMemberDeclaration(Java9Parser.InterfaceMemberDeclarationContext ctx);
1160 	/**
1161 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#constantDeclaration}.
1162 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1163 	 */
1164 	void enterConstantDeclaration(Java9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext ctx);
1165 	/**
1166 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#constantDeclaration}.
1167 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1168 	 */
1169 	void exitConstantDeclaration(Java9Parser.ConstantDeclarationContext ctx);
1170 	/**
1171 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#constantModifier}.
1172 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1173 	 */
1174 	void enterConstantModifier(Java9Parser.ConstantModifierContext ctx);
1175 	/**
1176 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#constantModifier}.
1177 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1178 	 */
1179 	void exitConstantModifier(Java9Parser.ConstantModifierContext ctx);
1180 	/**
1181 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceMethodDeclaration}.
1182 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1183 	 */
1184 	void enterInterfaceMethodDeclaration(Java9Parser.InterfaceMethodDeclarationContext ctx);
1185 	/**
1186 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceMethodDeclaration}.
1187 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1188 	 */
1189 	void exitInterfaceMethodDeclaration(Java9Parser.InterfaceMethodDeclarationContext ctx);
1190 	/**
1191 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceMethodModifier}.
1192 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1193 	 */
1194 	void enterInterfaceMethodModifier(Java9Parser.InterfaceMethodModifierContext ctx);
1195 	/**
1196 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#interfaceMethodModifier}.
1197 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1198 	 */
1199 	void exitInterfaceMethodModifier(Java9Parser.InterfaceMethodModifierContext ctx);
1200 	/**
1201 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#annotationTypeDeclaration}.
1202 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1203 	 */
1204 	void enterAnnotationTypeDeclaration(Java9Parser.AnnotationTypeDeclarationContext ctx);
1205 	/**
1206 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#annotationTypeDeclaration}.
1207 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1208 	 */
1209 	void exitAnnotationTypeDeclaration(Java9Parser.AnnotationTypeDeclarationContext ctx);
1210 	/**
1211 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#annotationTypeBody}.
1212 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1213 	 */
1214 	void enterAnnotationTypeBody(Java9Parser.AnnotationTypeBodyContext ctx);
1215 	/**
1216 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#annotationTypeBody}.
1217 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1218 	 */
1219 	void exitAnnotationTypeBody(Java9Parser.AnnotationTypeBodyContext ctx);
1220 	/**
1221 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#annotationTypeMemberDeclaration}.
1222 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1223 	 */
1224 	void enterAnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration(Java9Parser.AnnotationTypeMemberDeclarationContext ctx);
1225 	/**
1226 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#annotationTypeMemberDeclaration}.
1227 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1228 	 */
1229 	void exitAnnotationTypeMemberDeclaration(Java9Parser.AnnotationTypeMemberDeclarationContext ctx);
1230 	/**
1231 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#annotationTypeElementDeclaration}.
1232 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1233 	 */
1234 	void enterAnnotationTypeElementDeclaration(Java9Parser.AnnotationTypeElementDeclarationContext ctx);
1235 	/**
1236 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#annotationTypeElementDeclaration}.
1237 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1238 	 */
1239 	void exitAnnotationTypeElementDeclaration(Java9Parser.AnnotationTypeElementDeclarationContext ctx);
1240 	/**
1241 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#annotationTypeElementModifier}.
1242 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1243 	 */
1244 	void enterAnnotationTypeElementModifier(Java9Parser.AnnotationTypeElementModifierContext ctx);
1245 	/**
1246 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#annotationTypeElementModifier}.
1247 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1248 	 */
1249 	void exitAnnotationTypeElementModifier(Java9Parser.AnnotationTypeElementModifierContext ctx);
1250 	/**
1251 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#defaultValue}.
1252 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1253 	 */
1254 	void enterDefaultValue(Java9Parser.DefaultValueContext ctx);
1255 	/**
1256 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#defaultValue}.
1257 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1258 	 */
1259 	void exitDefaultValue(Java9Parser.DefaultValueContext ctx);
1260 	/**
1261 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#annotation}.
1262 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1263 	 */
1264 	void enterAnnotation(Java9Parser.AnnotationContext ctx);
1265 	/**
1266 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#annotation}.
1267 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1268 	 */
1269 	void exitAnnotation(Java9Parser.AnnotationContext ctx);
1270 	/**
1271 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#normalAnnotation}.
1272 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1273 	 */
1274 	void enterNormalAnnotation(Java9Parser.NormalAnnotationContext ctx);
1275 	/**
1276 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#normalAnnotation}.
1277 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1278 	 */
1279 	void exitNormalAnnotation(Java9Parser.NormalAnnotationContext ctx);
1280 	/**
1281 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#elementValuePairList}.
1282 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1283 	 */
1284 	void enterElementValuePairList(Java9Parser.ElementValuePairListContext ctx);
1285 	/**
1286 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#elementValuePairList}.
1287 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1288 	 */
1289 	void exitElementValuePairList(Java9Parser.ElementValuePairListContext ctx);
1290 	/**
1291 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#elementValuePair}.
1292 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1293 	 */
1294 	void enterElementValuePair(Java9Parser.ElementValuePairContext ctx);
1295 	/**
1296 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#elementValuePair}.
1297 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1298 	 */
1299 	void exitElementValuePair(Java9Parser.ElementValuePairContext ctx);
1300 	/**
1301 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#elementValue}.
1302 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1303 	 */
1304 	void enterElementValue(Java9Parser.ElementValueContext ctx);
1305 	/**
1306 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#elementValue}.
1307 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1308 	 */
1309 	void exitElementValue(Java9Parser.ElementValueContext ctx);
1310 	/**
1311 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#elementValueArrayInitializer}.
1312 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1313 	 */
1314 	void enterElementValueArrayInitializer(Java9Parser.ElementValueArrayInitializerContext ctx);
1315 	/**
1316 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#elementValueArrayInitializer}.
1317 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1318 	 */
1319 	void exitElementValueArrayInitializer(Java9Parser.ElementValueArrayInitializerContext ctx);
1320 	/**
1321 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#elementValueList}.
1322 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1323 	 */
1324 	void enterElementValueList(Java9Parser.ElementValueListContext ctx);
1325 	/**
1326 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#elementValueList}.
1327 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1328 	 */
1329 	void exitElementValueList(Java9Parser.ElementValueListContext ctx);
1330 	/**
1331 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#markerAnnotation}.
1332 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1333 	 */
1334 	void enterMarkerAnnotation(Java9Parser.MarkerAnnotationContext ctx);
1335 	/**
1336 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#markerAnnotation}.
1337 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1338 	 */
1339 	void exitMarkerAnnotation(Java9Parser.MarkerAnnotationContext ctx);
1340 	/**
1341 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#singleElementAnnotation}.
1342 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1343 	 */
1344 	void enterSingleElementAnnotation(Java9Parser.SingleElementAnnotationContext ctx);
1345 	/**
1346 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#singleElementAnnotation}.
1347 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1348 	 */
1349 	void exitSingleElementAnnotation(Java9Parser.SingleElementAnnotationContext ctx);
1350 	/**
1351 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#arrayInitializer}.
1352 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1353 	 */
1354 	void enterArrayInitializer(Java9Parser.ArrayInitializerContext ctx);
1355 	/**
1356 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#arrayInitializer}.
1357 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1358 	 */
1359 	void exitArrayInitializer(Java9Parser.ArrayInitializerContext ctx);
1360 	/**
1361 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#variableInitializerList}.
1362 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1363 	 */
1364 	void enterVariableInitializerList(Java9Parser.VariableInitializerListContext ctx);
1365 	/**
1366 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#variableInitializerList}.
1367 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1368 	 */
1369 	void exitVariableInitializerList(Java9Parser.VariableInitializerListContext ctx);
1370 	/**
1371 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#block}.
1372 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1373 	 */
1374 	void enterBlock(Java9Parser.BlockContext ctx);
1375 	/**
1376 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#block}.
1377 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1378 	 */
1379 	void exitBlock(Java9Parser.BlockContext ctx);
1380 	/**
1381 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#blockStatements}.
1382 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1383 	 */
1384 	void enterBlockStatements(Java9Parser.BlockStatementsContext ctx);
1385 	/**
1386 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#blockStatements}.
1387 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1388 	 */
1389 	void exitBlockStatements(Java9Parser.BlockStatementsContext ctx);
1390 	/**
1391 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#blockStatement}.
1392 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1393 	 */
1394 	void enterBlockStatement(Java9Parser.BlockStatementContext ctx);
1395 	/**
1396 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#blockStatement}.
1397 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1398 	 */
1399 	void exitBlockStatement(Java9Parser.BlockStatementContext ctx);
1400 	/**
1401 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#localVariableDeclarationStatement}.
1402 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1403 	 */
1404 	void enterLocalVariableDeclarationStatement(Java9Parser.LocalVariableDeclarationStatementContext ctx);
1405 	/**
1406 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#localVariableDeclarationStatement}.
1407 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1408 	 */
1409 	void exitLocalVariableDeclarationStatement(Java9Parser.LocalVariableDeclarationStatementContext ctx);
1410 	/**
1411 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#localVariableDeclaration}.
1412 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1413 	 */
1414 	void enterLocalVariableDeclaration(Java9Parser.LocalVariableDeclarationContext ctx);
1415 	/**
1416 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#localVariableDeclaration}.
1417 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1418 	 */
1419 	void exitLocalVariableDeclaration(Java9Parser.LocalVariableDeclarationContext ctx);
1420 	/**
1421 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#statement}.
1422 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1423 	 */
1424 	void enterStatement(Java9Parser.StatementContext ctx);
1425 	/**
1426 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#statement}.
1427 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1428 	 */
1429 	void exitStatement(Java9Parser.StatementContext ctx);
1430 	/**
1431 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#statementNoShortIf}.
1432 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1433 	 */
1434 	void enterStatementNoShortIf(Java9Parser.StatementNoShortIfContext ctx);
1435 	/**
1436 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#statementNoShortIf}.
1437 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1438 	 */
1439 	void exitStatementNoShortIf(Java9Parser.StatementNoShortIfContext ctx);
1440 	/**
1441 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#statementWithoutTrailingSubstatement}.
1442 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1443 	 */
1444 	void enterStatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement(Java9Parser.StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatementContext ctx);
1445 	/**
1446 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#statementWithoutTrailingSubstatement}.
1447 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1448 	 */
1449 	void exitStatementWithoutTrailingSubstatement(Java9Parser.StatementWithoutTrailingSubstatementContext ctx);
1450 	/**
1451 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#emptyStatement}.
1452 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1453 	 */
1454 	void enterEmptyStatement(Java9Parser.EmptyStatementContext ctx);
1455 	/**
1456 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#emptyStatement}.
1457 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1458 	 */
1459 	void exitEmptyStatement(Java9Parser.EmptyStatementContext ctx);
1460 	/**
1461 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#labeledStatement}.
1462 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1463 	 */
1464 	void enterLabeledStatement(Java9Parser.LabeledStatementContext ctx);
1465 	/**
1466 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#labeledStatement}.
1467 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1468 	 */
1469 	void exitLabeledStatement(Java9Parser.LabeledStatementContext ctx);
1470 	/**
1471 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#labeledStatementNoShortIf}.
1472 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1473 	 */
1474 	void enterLabeledStatementNoShortIf(Java9Parser.LabeledStatementNoShortIfContext ctx);
1475 	/**
1476 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#labeledStatementNoShortIf}.
1477 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1478 	 */
1479 	void exitLabeledStatementNoShortIf(Java9Parser.LabeledStatementNoShortIfContext ctx);
1480 	/**
1481 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#expressionStatement}.
1482 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1483 	 */
1484 	void enterExpressionStatement(Java9Parser.ExpressionStatementContext ctx);
1485 	/**
1486 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#expressionStatement}.
1487 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1488 	 */
1489 	void exitExpressionStatement(Java9Parser.ExpressionStatementContext ctx);
1490 	/**
1491 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#statementExpression}.
1492 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1493 	 */
1494 	void enterStatementExpression(Java9Parser.StatementExpressionContext ctx);
1495 	/**
1496 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#statementExpression}.
1497 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1498 	 */
1499 	void exitStatementExpression(Java9Parser.StatementExpressionContext ctx);
1500 	/**
1501 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#ifThenStatement}.
1502 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1503 	 */
1504 	void enterIfThenStatement(Java9Parser.IfThenStatementContext ctx);
1505 	/**
1506 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#ifThenStatement}.
1507 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1508 	 */
1509 	void exitIfThenStatement(Java9Parser.IfThenStatementContext ctx);
1510 	/**
1511 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#ifThenElseStatement}.
1512 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1513 	 */
1514 	void enterIfThenElseStatement(Java9Parser.IfThenElseStatementContext ctx);
1515 	/**
1516 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#ifThenElseStatement}.
1517 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1518 	 */
1519 	void exitIfThenElseStatement(Java9Parser.IfThenElseStatementContext ctx);
1520 	/**
1521 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#ifThenElseStatementNoShortIf}.
1522 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1523 	 */
1524 	void enterIfThenElseStatementNoShortIf(Java9Parser.IfThenElseStatementNoShortIfContext ctx);
1525 	/**
1526 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#ifThenElseStatementNoShortIf}.
1527 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1528 	 */
1529 	void exitIfThenElseStatementNoShortIf(Java9Parser.IfThenElseStatementNoShortIfContext ctx);
1530 	/**
1531 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#assertStatement}.
1532 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1533 	 */
1534 	void enterAssertStatement(Java9Parser.AssertStatementContext ctx);
1535 	/**
1536 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#assertStatement}.
1537 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1538 	 */
1539 	void exitAssertStatement(Java9Parser.AssertStatementContext ctx);
1540 	/**
1541 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#switchStatement}.
1542 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1543 	 */
1544 	void enterSwitchStatement(Java9Parser.SwitchStatementContext ctx);
1545 	/**
1546 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#switchStatement}.
1547 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1548 	 */
1549 	void exitSwitchStatement(Java9Parser.SwitchStatementContext ctx);
1550 	/**
1551 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#switchBlock}.
1552 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1553 	 */
1554 	void enterSwitchBlock(Java9Parser.SwitchBlockContext ctx);
1555 	/**
1556 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#switchBlock}.
1557 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1558 	 */
1559 	void exitSwitchBlock(Java9Parser.SwitchBlockContext ctx);
1560 	/**
1561 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#switchBlockStatementGroup}.
1562 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1563 	 */
1564 	void enterSwitchBlockStatementGroup(Java9Parser.SwitchBlockStatementGroupContext ctx);
1565 	/**
1566 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#switchBlockStatementGroup}.
1567 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1568 	 */
1569 	void exitSwitchBlockStatementGroup(Java9Parser.SwitchBlockStatementGroupContext ctx);
1570 	/**
1571 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#switchLabels}.
1572 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1573 	 */
1574 	void enterSwitchLabels(Java9Parser.SwitchLabelsContext ctx);
1575 	/**
1576 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#switchLabels}.
1577 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1578 	 */
1579 	void exitSwitchLabels(Java9Parser.SwitchLabelsContext ctx);
1580 	/**
1581 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#switchLabel}.
1582 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1583 	 */
1584 	void enterSwitchLabel(Java9Parser.SwitchLabelContext ctx);
1585 	/**
1586 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#switchLabel}.
1587 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1588 	 */
1589 	void exitSwitchLabel(Java9Parser.SwitchLabelContext ctx);
1590 	/**
1591 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enumConstantName}.
1592 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1593 	 */
1594 	void enterEnumConstantName(Java9Parser.EnumConstantNameContext ctx);
1595 	/**
1596 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enumConstantName}.
1597 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1598 	 */
1599 	void exitEnumConstantName(Java9Parser.EnumConstantNameContext ctx);
1600 	/**
1601 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#whileStatement}.
1602 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1603 	 */
1604 	void enterWhileStatement(Java9Parser.WhileStatementContext ctx);
1605 	/**
1606 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#whileStatement}.
1607 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1608 	 */
1609 	void exitWhileStatement(Java9Parser.WhileStatementContext ctx);
1610 	/**
1611 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#whileStatementNoShortIf}.
1612 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1613 	 */
1614 	void enterWhileStatementNoShortIf(Java9Parser.WhileStatementNoShortIfContext ctx);
1615 	/**
1616 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#whileStatementNoShortIf}.
1617 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1618 	 */
1619 	void exitWhileStatementNoShortIf(Java9Parser.WhileStatementNoShortIfContext ctx);
1620 	/**
1621 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#doStatement}.
1622 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1623 	 */
1624 	void enterDoStatement(Java9Parser.DoStatementContext ctx);
1625 	/**
1626 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#doStatement}.
1627 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1628 	 */
1629 	void exitDoStatement(Java9Parser.DoStatementContext ctx);
1630 	/**
1631 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#forStatement}.
1632 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1633 	 */
1634 	void enterForStatement(Java9Parser.ForStatementContext ctx);
1635 	/**
1636 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#forStatement}.
1637 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1638 	 */
1639 	void exitForStatement(Java9Parser.ForStatementContext ctx);
1640 	/**
1641 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#forStatementNoShortIf}.
1642 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1643 	 */
1644 	void enterForStatementNoShortIf(Java9Parser.ForStatementNoShortIfContext ctx);
1645 	/**
1646 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#forStatementNoShortIf}.
1647 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1648 	 */
1649 	void exitForStatementNoShortIf(Java9Parser.ForStatementNoShortIfContext ctx);
1650 	/**
1651 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#basicForStatement}.
1652 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1653 	 */
1654 	void enterBasicForStatement(Java9Parser.BasicForStatementContext ctx);
1655 	/**
1656 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#basicForStatement}.
1657 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1658 	 */
1659 	void exitBasicForStatement(Java9Parser.BasicForStatementContext ctx);
1660 	/**
1661 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#basicForStatementNoShortIf}.
1662 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1663 	 */
1664 	void enterBasicForStatementNoShortIf(Java9Parser.BasicForStatementNoShortIfContext ctx);
1665 	/**
1666 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#basicForStatementNoShortIf}.
1667 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1668 	 */
1669 	void exitBasicForStatementNoShortIf(Java9Parser.BasicForStatementNoShortIfContext ctx);
1670 	/**
1671 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#forInit}.
1672 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1673 	 */
1674 	void enterForInit(Java9Parser.ForInitContext ctx);
1675 	/**
1676 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#forInit}.
1677 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1678 	 */
1679 	void exitForInit(Java9Parser.ForInitContext ctx);
1680 	/**
1681 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#forUpdate}.
1682 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1683 	 */
1684 	void enterForUpdate(Java9Parser.ForUpdateContext ctx);
1685 	/**
1686 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#forUpdate}.
1687 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1688 	 */
1689 	void exitForUpdate(Java9Parser.ForUpdateContext ctx);
1690 	/**
1691 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#statementExpressionList}.
1692 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1693 	 */
1694 	void enterStatementExpressionList(Java9Parser.StatementExpressionListContext ctx);
1695 	/**
1696 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#statementExpressionList}.
1697 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1698 	 */
1699 	void exitStatementExpressionList(Java9Parser.StatementExpressionListContext ctx);
1700 	/**
1701 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enhancedForStatement}.
1702 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1703 	 */
1704 	void enterEnhancedForStatement(Java9Parser.EnhancedForStatementContext ctx);
1705 	/**
1706 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enhancedForStatement}.
1707 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1708 	 */
1709 	void exitEnhancedForStatement(Java9Parser.EnhancedForStatementContext ctx);
1710 	/**
1711 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enhancedForStatementNoShortIf}.
1712 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1713 	 */
1714 	void enterEnhancedForStatementNoShortIf(Java9Parser.EnhancedForStatementNoShortIfContext ctx);
1715 	/**
1716 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#enhancedForStatementNoShortIf}.
1717 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1718 	 */
1719 	void exitEnhancedForStatementNoShortIf(Java9Parser.EnhancedForStatementNoShortIfContext ctx);
1720 	/**
1721 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#breakStatement}.
1722 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1723 	 */
1724 	void enterBreakStatement(Java9Parser.BreakStatementContext ctx);
1725 	/**
1726 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#breakStatement}.
1727 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1728 	 */
1729 	void exitBreakStatement(Java9Parser.BreakStatementContext ctx);
1730 	/**
1731 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#continueStatement}.
1732 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1733 	 */
1734 	void enterContinueStatement(Java9Parser.ContinueStatementContext ctx);
1735 	/**
1736 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#continueStatement}.
1737 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1738 	 */
1739 	void exitContinueStatement(Java9Parser.ContinueStatementContext ctx);
1740 	/**
1741 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#returnStatement}.
1742 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1743 	 */
1744 	void enterReturnStatement(Java9Parser.ReturnStatementContext ctx);
1745 	/**
1746 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#returnStatement}.
1747 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1748 	 */
1749 	void exitReturnStatement(Java9Parser.ReturnStatementContext ctx);
1750 	/**
1751 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#throwStatement}.
1752 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1753 	 */
1754 	void enterThrowStatement(Java9Parser.ThrowStatementContext ctx);
1755 	/**
1756 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#throwStatement}.
1757 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1758 	 */
1759 	void exitThrowStatement(Java9Parser.ThrowStatementContext ctx);
1760 	/**
1761 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#synchronizedStatement}.
1762 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1763 	 */
1764 	void enterSynchronizedStatement(Java9Parser.SynchronizedStatementContext ctx);
1765 	/**
1766 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#synchronizedStatement}.
1767 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1768 	 */
1769 	void exitSynchronizedStatement(Java9Parser.SynchronizedStatementContext ctx);
1770 	/**
1771 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#tryStatement}.
1772 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1773 	 */
1774 	void enterTryStatement(Java9Parser.TryStatementContext ctx);
1775 	/**
1776 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#tryStatement}.
1777 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1778 	 */
1779 	void exitTryStatement(Java9Parser.TryStatementContext ctx);
1780 	/**
1781 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#catches}.
1782 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1783 	 */
1784 	void enterCatches(Java9Parser.CatchesContext ctx);
1785 	/**
1786 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#catches}.
1787 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1788 	 */
1789 	void exitCatches(Java9Parser.CatchesContext ctx);
1790 	/**
1791 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#catchClause}.
1792 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1793 	 */
1794 	void enterCatchClause(Java9Parser.CatchClauseContext ctx);
1795 	/**
1796 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#catchClause}.
1797 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1798 	 */
1799 	void exitCatchClause(Java9Parser.CatchClauseContext ctx);
1800 	/**
1801 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#catchFormalParameter}.
1802 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1803 	 */
1804 	void enterCatchFormalParameter(Java9Parser.CatchFormalParameterContext ctx);
1805 	/**
1806 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#catchFormalParameter}.
1807 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1808 	 */
1809 	void exitCatchFormalParameter(Java9Parser.CatchFormalParameterContext ctx);
1810 	/**
1811 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#catchType}.
1812 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1813 	 */
1814 	void enterCatchType(Java9Parser.CatchTypeContext ctx);
1815 	/**
1816 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#catchType}.
1817 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1818 	 */
1819 	void exitCatchType(Java9Parser.CatchTypeContext ctx);
1820 	/**
1821 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#finally_}.
1822 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1823 	 */
1824 	void enterFinally_(Java9Parser.Finally_Context ctx);
1825 	/**
1826 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#finally_}.
1827 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1828 	 */
1829 	void exitFinally_(Java9Parser.Finally_Context ctx);
1830 	/**
1831 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#tryWithResourcesStatement}.
1832 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1833 	 */
1834 	void enterTryWithResourcesStatement(Java9Parser.TryWithResourcesStatementContext ctx);
1835 	/**
1836 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#tryWithResourcesStatement}.
1837 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1838 	 */
1839 	void exitTryWithResourcesStatement(Java9Parser.TryWithResourcesStatementContext ctx);
1840 	/**
1841 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#resourceSpecification}.
1842 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1843 	 */
1844 	void enterResourceSpecification(Java9Parser.ResourceSpecificationContext ctx);
1845 	/**
1846 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#resourceSpecification}.
1847 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1848 	 */
1849 	void exitResourceSpecification(Java9Parser.ResourceSpecificationContext ctx);
1850 	/**
1851 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#resourceList}.
1852 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1853 	 */
1854 	void enterResourceList(Java9Parser.ResourceListContext ctx);
1855 	/**
1856 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#resourceList}.
1857 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1858 	 */
1859 	void exitResourceList(Java9Parser.ResourceListContext ctx);
1860 	/**
1861 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#resource}.
1862 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1863 	 */
1864 	void enterResource(Java9Parser.ResourceContext ctx);
1865 	/**
1866 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#resource}.
1867 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1868 	 */
1869 	void exitResource(Java9Parser.ResourceContext ctx);
1870 	/**
1871 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#variableAccess}.
1872 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1873 	 */
1874 	void enterVariableAccess(Java9Parser.VariableAccessContext ctx);
1875 	/**
1876 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#variableAccess}.
1877 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1878 	 */
1879 	void exitVariableAccess(Java9Parser.VariableAccessContext ctx);
1880 	/**
1881 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primary}.
1882 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1883 	 */
1884 	void enterPrimary(Java9Parser.PrimaryContext ctx);
1885 	/**
1886 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primary}.
1887 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1888 	 */
1889 	void exitPrimary(Java9Parser.PrimaryContext ctx);
1890 	/**
1891 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray}.
1892 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1893 	 */
1894 	void enterPrimaryNoNewArray(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArrayContext ctx);
1895 	/**
1896 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray}.
1897 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1898 	 */
1899 	void exitPrimaryNoNewArray(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArrayContext ctx);
1900 	/**
1901 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lf_arrayAccess}.
1902 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1903 	 */
1904 	void enterPrimaryNoNewArray_lf_arrayAccess(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lf_arrayAccessContext ctx);
1905 	/**
1906 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lf_arrayAccess}.
1907 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1908 	 */
1909 	void exitPrimaryNoNewArray_lf_arrayAccess(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lf_arrayAccessContext ctx);
1910 	/**
1911 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lfno_arrayAccess}.
1912 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1913 	 */
1914 	void enterPrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_arrayAccess(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_arrayAccessContext ctx);
1915 	/**
1916 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lfno_arrayAccess}.
1917 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1918 	 */
1919 	void exitPrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_arrayAccess(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_arrayAccessContext ctx);
1920 	/**
1921 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lf_primary}.
1922 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1923 	 */
1924 	void enterPrimaryNoNewArray_lf_primary(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lf_primaryContext ctx);
1925 	/**
1926 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lf_primary}.
1927 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1928 	 */
1929 	void exitPrimaryNoNewArray_lf_primary(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lf_primaryContext ctx);
1930 	/**
1931 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lf_primary_lf_arrayAccess_lf_primary}.
1932 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1933 	 */
1934 	void enterPrimaryNoNewArray_lf_primary_lf_arrayAccess_lf_primary(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lf_primary_lf_arrayAccess_lf_primaryContext ctx);
1935 	/**
1936 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lf_primary_lf_arrayAccess_lf_primary}.
1937 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1938 	 */
1939 	void exitPrimaryNoNewArray_lf_primary_lf_arrayAccess_lf_primary(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lf_primary_lf_arrayAccess_lf_primaryContext ctx);
1940 	/**
1941 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lf_primary_lfno_arrayAccess_lf_primary}.
1942 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1943 	 */
1944 	void enterPrimaryNoNewArray_lf_primary_lfno_arrayAccess_lf_primary(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lf_primary_lfno_arrayAccess_lf_primaryContext ctx);
1945 	/**
1946 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lf_primary_lfno_arrayAccess_lf_primary}.
1947 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1948 	 */
1949 	void exitPrimaryNoNewArray_lf_primary_lfno_arrayAccess_lf_primary(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lf_primary_lfno_arrayAccess_lf_primaryContext ctx);
1950 	/**
1951 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary}.
1952 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1953 	 */
1954 	void enterPrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
1955 	/**
1956 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary}.
1957 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1958 	 */
1959 	void exitPrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
1960 	/**
1961 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary_lf_arrayAccess_lfno_primary}.
1962 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1963 	 */
1964 	void enterPrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary_lf_arrayAccess_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary_lf_arrayAccess_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
1965 	/**
1966 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary_lf_arrayAccess_lfno_primary}.
1967 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1968 	 */
1969 	void exitPrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary_lf_arrayAccess_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary_lf_arrayAccess_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
1970 	/**
1971 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary_lfno_arrayAccess_lfno_primary}.
1972 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1973 	 */
1974 	void enterPrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary_lfno_arrayAccess_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary_lfno_arrayAccess_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
1975 	/**
1976 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#primaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary_lfno_arrayAccess_lfno_primary}.
1977 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1978 	 */
1979 	void exitPrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary_lfno_arrayAccess_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.PrimaryNoNewArray_lfno_primary_lfno_arrayAccess_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
1980 	/**
1981 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classLiteral}.
1982 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1983 	 */
1984 	void enterClassLiteral(Java9Parser.ClassLiteralContext ctx);
1985 	/**
1986 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classLiteral}.
1987 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1988 	 */
1989 	void exitClassLiteral(Java9Parser.ClassLiteralContext ctx);
1990 	/**
1991 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classInstanceCreationExpression}.
1992 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1993 	 */
1994 	void enterClassInstanceCreationExpression(Java9Parser.ClassInstanceCreationExpressionContext ctx);
1995 	/**
1996 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classInstanceCreationExpression}.
1997 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
1998 	 */
1999 	void exitClassInstanceCreationExpression(Java9Parser.ClassInstanceCreationExpressionContext ctx);
2000 	/**
2001 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classInstanceCreationExpression_lf_primary}.
2002 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2003 	 */
2004 	void enterClassInstanceCreationExpression_lf_primary(Java9Parser.ClassInstanceCreationExpression_lf_primaryContext ctx);
2005 	/**
2006 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classInstanceCreationExpression_lf_primary}.
2007 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2008 	 */
2009 	void exitClassInstanceCreationExpression_lf_primary(Java9Parser.ClassInstanceCreationExpression_lf_primaryContext ctx);
2010 	/**
2011 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classInstanceCreationExpression_lfno_primary}.
2012 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2013 	 */
2014 	void enterClassInstanceCreationExpression_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.ClassInstanceCreationExpression_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
2015 	/**
2016 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#classInstanceCreationExpression_lfno_primary}.
2017 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2018 	 */
2019 	void exitClassInstanceCreationExpression_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.ClassInstanceCreationExpression_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
2020 	/**
2021 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeArgumentsOrDiamond}.
2022 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2023 	 */
2024 	void enterTypeArgumentsOrDiamond(Java9Parser.TypeArgumentsOrDiamondContext ctx);
2025 	/**
2026 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#typeArgumentsOrDiamond}.
2027 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2028 	 */
2029 	void exitTypeArgumentsOrDiamond(Java9Parser.TypeArgumentsOrDiamondContext ctx);
2030 	/**
2031 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#fieldAccess}.
2032 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2033 	 */
2034 	void enterFieldAccess(Java9Parser.FieldAccessContext ctx);
2035 	/**
2036 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#fieldAccess}.
2037 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2038 	 */
2039 	void exitFieldAccess(Java9Parser.FieldAccessContext ctx);
2040 	/**
2041 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#fieldAccess_lf_primary}.
2042 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2043 	 */
2044 	void enterFieldAccess_lf_primary(Java9Parser.FieldAccess_lf_primaryContext ctx);
2045 	/**
2046 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#fieldAccess_lf_primary}.
2047 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2048 	 */
2049 	void exitFieldAccess_lf_primary(Java9Parser.FieldAccess_lf_primaryContext ctx);
2050 	/**
2051 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#fieldAccess_lfno_primary}.
2052 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2053 	 */
2054 	void enterFieldAccess_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.FieldAccess_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
2055 	/**
2056 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#fieldAccess_lfno_primary}.
2057 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2058 	 */
2059 	void exitFieldAccess_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.FieldAccess_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
2060 	/**
2061 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#arrayAccess}.
2062 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2063 	 */
2064 	void enterArrayAccess(Java9Parser.ArrayAccessContext ctx);
2065 	/**
2066 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#arrayAccess}.
2067 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2068 	 */
2069 	void exitArrayAccess(Java9Parser.ArrayAccessContext ctx);
2070 	/**
2071 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#arrayAccess_lf_primary}.
2072 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2073 	 */
2074 	void enterArrayAccess_lf_primary(Java9Parser.ArrayAccess_lf_primaryContext ctx);
2075 	/**
2076 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#arrayAccess_lf_primary}.
2077 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2078 	 */
2079 	void exitArrayAccess_lf_primary(Java9Parser.ArrayAccess_lf_primaryContext ctx);
2080 	/**
2081 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#arrayAccess_lfno_primary}.
2082 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2083 	 */
2084 	void enterArrayAccess_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.ArrayAccess_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
2085 	/**
2086 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#arrayAccess_lfno_primary}.
2087 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2088 	 */
2089 	void exitArrayAccess_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.ArrayAccess_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
2090 	/**
2091 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodInvocation}.
2092 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2093 	 */
2094 	void enterMethodInvocation(Java9Parser.MethodInvocationContext ctx);
2095 	/**
2096 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodInvocation}.
2097 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2098 	 */
2099 	void exitMethodInvocation(Java9Parser.MethodInvocationContext ctx);
2100 	/**
2101 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodInvocation_lf_primary}.
2102 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2103 	 */
2104 	void enterMethodInvocation_lf_primary(Java9Parser.MethodInvocation_lf_primaryContext ctx);
2105 	/**
2106 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodInvocation_lf_primary}.
2107 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2108 	 */
2109 	void exitMethodInvocation_lf_primary(Java9Parser.MethodInvocation_lf_primaryContext ctx);
2110 	/**
2111 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodInvocation_lfno_primary}.
2112 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2113 	 */
2114 	void enterMethodInvocation_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.MethodInvocation_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
2115 	/**
2116 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodInvocation_lfno_primary}.
2117 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2118 	 */
2119 	void exitMethodInvocation_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.MethodInvocation_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
2120 	/**
2121 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#argumentList}.
2122 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2123 	 */
2124 	void enterArgumentList(Java9Parser.ArgumentListContext ctx);
2125 	/**
2126 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#argumentList}.
2127 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2128 	 */
2129 	void exitArgumentList(Java9Parser.ArgumentListContext ctx);
2130 	/**
2131 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodReference}.
2132 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2133 	 */
2134 	void enterMethodReference(Java9Parser.MethodReferenceContext ctx);
2135 	/**
2136 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodReference}.
2137 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2138 	 */
2139 	void exitMethodReference(Java9Parser.MethodReferenceContext ctx);
2140 	/**
2141 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodReference_lf_primary}.
2142 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2143 	 */
2144 	void enterMethodReference_lf_primary(Java9Parser.MethodReference_lf_primaryContext ctx);
2145 	/**
2146 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodReference_lf_primary}.
2147 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2148 	 */
2149 	void exitMethodReference_lf_primary(Java9Parser.MethodReference_lf_primaryContext ctx);
2150 	/**
2151 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodReference_lfno_primary}.
2152 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2153 	 */
2154 	void enterMethodReference_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.MethodReference_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
2155 	/**
2156 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#methodReference_lfno_primary}.
2157 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2158 	 */
2159 	void exitMethodReference_lfno_primary(Java9Parser.MethodReference_lfno_primaryContext ctx);
2160 	/**
2161 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#arrayCreationExpression}.
2162 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2163 	 */
2164 	void enterArrayCreationExpression(Java9Parser.ArrayCreationExpressionContext ctx);
2165 	/**
2166 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#arrayCreationExpression}.
2167 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2168 	 */
2169 	void exitArrayCreationExpression(Java9Parser.ArrayCreationExpressionContext ctx);
2170 	/**
2171 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#dimExprs}.
2172 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2173 	 */
2174 	void enterDimExprs(Java9Parser.DimExprsContext ctx);
2175 	/**
2176 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#dimExprs}.
2177 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2178 	 */
2179 	void exitDimExprs(Java9Parser.DimExprsContext ctx);
2180 	/**
2181 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#dimExpr}.
2182 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2183 	 */
2184 	void enterDimExpr(Java9Parser.DimExprContext ctx);
2185 	/**
2186 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#dimExpr}.
2187 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2188 	 */
2189 	void exitDimExpr(Java9Parser.DimExprContext ctx);
2190 	/**
2191 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#constantExpression}.
2192 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2193 	 */
2194 	void enterConstantExpression(Java9Parser.ConstantExpressionContext ctx);
2195 	/**
2196 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#constantExpression}.
2197 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2198 	 */
2199 	void exitConstantExpression(Java9Parser.ConstantExpressionContext ctx);
2200 	/**
2201 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#expression}.
2202 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2203 	 */
2204 	void enterExpression(Java9Parser.ExpressionContext ctx);
2205 	/**
2206 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#expression}.
2207 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2208 	 */
2209 	void exitExpression(Java9Parser.ExpressionContext ctx);
2210 	/**
2211 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#lambdaExpression}.
2212 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2213 	 */
2214 	void enterLambdaExpression(Java9Parser.LambdaExpressionContext ctx);
2215 	/**
2216 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#lambdaExpression}.
2217 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2218 	 */
2219 	void exitLambdaExpression(Java9Parser.LambdaExpressionContext ctx);
2220 	/**
2221 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#lambdaParameters}.
2222 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2223 	 */
2224 	void enterLambdaParameters(Java9Parser.LambdaParametersContext ctx);
2225 	/**
2226 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#lambdaParameters}.
2227 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2228 	 */
2229 	void exitLambdaParameters(Java9Parser.LambdaParametersContext ctx);
2230 	/**
2231 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#inferredFormalParameterList}.
2232 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2233 	 */
2234 	void enterInferredFormalParameterList(Java9Parser.InferredFormalParameterListContext ctx);
2235 	/**
2236 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#inferredFormalParameterList}.
2237 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2238 	 */
2239 	void exitInferredFormalParameterList(Java9Parser.InferredFormalParameterListContext ctx);
2240 	/**
2241 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#lambdaBody}.
2242 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2243 	 */
2244 	void enterLambdaBody(Java9Parser.LambdaBodyContext ctx);
2245 	/**
2246 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#lambdaBody}.
2247 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2248 	 */
2249 	void exitLambdaBody(Java9Parser.LambdaBodyContext ctx);
2250 	/**
2251 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#assignmentExpression}.
2252 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2253 	 */
2254 	void enterAssignmentExpression(Java9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext ctx);
2255 	/**
2256 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#assignmentExpression}.
2257 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2258 	 */
2259 	void exitAssignmentExpression(Java9Parser.AssignmentExpressionContext ctx);
2260 	/**
2261 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#assignment}.
2262 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2263 	 */
2264 	void enterAssignment(Java9Parser.AssignmentContext ctx);
2265 	/**
2266 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#assignment}.
2267 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2268 	 */
2269 	void exitAssignment(Java9Parser.AssignmentContext ctx);
2270 	/**
2271 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#leftHandSide}.
2272 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2273 	 */
2274 	void enterLeftHandSide(Java9Parser.LeftHandSideContext ctx);
2275 	/**
2276 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#leftHandSide}.
2277 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2278 	 */
2279 	void exitLeftHandSide(Java9Parser.LeftHandSideContext ctx);
2280 	/**
2281 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#assignmentOperator}.
2282 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2283 	 */
2284 	void enterAssignmentOperator(Java9Parser.AssignmentOperatorContext ctx);
2285 	/**
2286 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#assignmentOperator}.
2287 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2288 	 */
2289 	void exitAssignmentOperator(Java9Parser.AssignmentOperatorContext ctx);
2290 	/**
2291 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#conditionalExpression}.
2292 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2293 	 */
2294 	void enterConditionalExpression(Java9Parser.ConditionalExpressionContext ctx);
2295 	/**
2296 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#conditionalExpression}.
2297 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2298 	 */
2299 	void exitConditionalExpression(Java9Parser.ConditionalExpressionContext ctx);
2300 	/**
2301 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#conditionalOrExpression}.
2302 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2303 	 */
2304 	void enterConditionalOrExpression(Java9Parser.ConditionalOrExpressionContext ctx);
2305 	/**
2306 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#conditionalOrExpression}.
2307 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2308 	 */
2309 	void exitConditionalOrExpression(Java9Parser.ConditionalOrExpressionContext ctx);
2310 	/**
2311 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#conditionalAndExpression}.
2312 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2313 	 */
2314 	void enterConditionalAndExpression(Java9Parser.ConditionalAndExpressionContext ctx);
2315 	/**
2316 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#conditionalAndExpression}.
2317 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2318 	 */
2319 	void exitConditionalAndExpression(Java9Parser.ConditionalAndExpressionContext ctx);
2320 	/**
2321 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#inclusiveOrExpression}.
2322 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2323 	 */
2324 	void enterInclusiveOrExpression(Java9Parser.InclusiveOrExpressionContext ctx);
2325 	/**
2326 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#inclusiveOrExpression}.
2327 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2328 	 */
2329 	void exitInclusiveOrExpression(Java9Parser.InclusiveOrExpressionContext ctx);
2330 	/**
2331 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#exclusiveOrExpression}.
2332 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2333 	 */
2334 	void enterExclusiveOrExpression(Java9Parser.ExclusiveOrExpressionContext ctx);
2335 	/**
2336 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#exclusiveOrExpression}.
2337 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2338 	 */
2339 	void exitExclusiveOrExpression(Java9Parser.ExclusiveOrExpressionContext ctx);
2340 	/**
2341 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#andExpression}.
2342 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2343 	 */
2344 	void enterAndExpression(Java9Parser.AndExpressionContext ctx);
2345 	/**
2346 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#andExpression}.
2347 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2348 	 */
2349 	void exitAndExpression(Java9Parser.AndExpressionContext ctx);
2350 	/**
2351 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#equalityExpression}.
2352 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2353 	 */
2354 	void enterEqualityExpression(Java9Parser.EqualityExpressionContext ctx);
2355 	/**
2356 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#equalityExpression}.
2357 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2358 	 */
2359 	void exitEqualityExpression(Java9Parser.EqualityExpressionContext ctx);
2360 	/**
2361 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#relationalExpression}.
2362 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2363 	 */
2364 	void enterRelationalExpression(Java9Parser.RelationalExpressionContext ctx);
2365 	/**
2366 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#relationalExpression}.
2367 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2368 	 */
2369 	void exitRelationalExpression(Java9Parser.RelationalExpressionContext ctx);
2370 	/**
2371 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#shiftExpression}.
2372 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2373 	 */
2374 	void enterShiftExpression(Java9Parser.ShiftExpressionContext ctx);
2375 	/**
2376 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#shiftExpression}.
2377 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2378 	 */
2379 	void exitShiftExpression(Java9Parser.ShiftExpressionContext ctx);
2380 	/**
2381 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#additiveExpression}.
2382 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2383 	 */
2384 	void enterAdditiveExpression(Java9Parser.AdditiveExpressionContext ctx);
2385 	/**
2386 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#additiveExpression}.
2387 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2388 	 */
2389 	void exitAdditiveExpression(Java9Parser.AdditiveExpressionContext ctx);
2390 	/**
2391 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#multiplicativeExpression}.
2392 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2393 	 */
2394 	void enterMultiplicativeExpression(Java9Parser.MultiplicativeExpressionContext ctx);
2395 	/**
2396 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#multiplicativeExpression}.
2397 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2398 	 */
2399 	void exitMultiplicativeExpression(Java9Parser.MultiplicativeExpressionContext ctx);
2400 	/**
2401 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unaryExpression}.
2402 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2403 	 */
2404 	void enterUnaryExpression(Java9Parser.UnaryExpressionContext ctx);
2405 	/**
2406 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unaryExpression}.
2407 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2408 	 */
2409 	void exitUnaryExpression(Java9Parser.UnaryExpressionContext ctx);
2410 	/**
2411 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#preIncrementExpression}.
2412 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2413 	 */
2414 	void enterPreIncrementExpression(Java9Parser.PreIncrementExpressionContext ctx);
2415 	/**
2416 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#preIncrementExpression}.
2417 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2418 	 */
2419 	void exitPreIncrementExpression(Java9Parser.PreIncrementExpressionContext ctx);
2420 	/**
2421 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#preDecrementExpression}.
2422 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2423 	 */
2424 	void enterPreDecrementExpression(Java9Parser.PreDecrementExpressionContext ctx);
2425 	/**
2426 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#preDecrementExpression}.
2427 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2428 	 */
2429 	void exitPreDecrementExpression(Java9Parser.PreDecrementExpressionContext ctx);
2430 	/**
2431 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus}.
2432 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2433 	 */
2434 	void enterUnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus(Java9Parser.UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinusContext ctx);
2435 	/**
2436 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#unaryExpressionNotPlusMinus}.
2437 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2438 	 */
2439 	void exitUnaryExpressionNotPlusMinus(Java9Parser.UnaryExpressionNotPlusMinusContext ctx);
2440 	/**
2441 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#postfixExpression}.
2442 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2443 	 */
2444 	void enterPostfixExpression(Java9Parser.PostfixExpressionContext ctx);
2445 	/**
2446 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#postfixExpression}.
2447 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2448 	 */
2449 	void exitPostfixExpression(Java9Parser.PostfixExpressionContext ctx);
2450 	/**
2451 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#postIncrementExpression}.
2452 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2453 	 */
2454 	void enterPostIncrementExpression(Java9Parser.PostIncrementExpressionContext ctx);
2455 	/**
2456 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#postIncrementExpression}.
2457 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2458 	 */
2459 	void exitPostIncrementExpression(Java9Parser.PostIncrementExpressionContext ctx);
2460 	/**
2461 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#postIncrementExpression_lf_postfixExpression}.
2462 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2463 	 */
2464 	void enterPostIncrementExpression_lf_postfixExpression(Java9Parser.PostIncrementExpression_lf_postfixExpressionContext ctx);
2465 	/**
2466 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#postIncrementExpression_lf_postfixExpression}.
2467 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2468 	 */
2469 	void exitPostIncrementExpression_lf_postfixExpression(Java9Parser.PostIncrementExpression_lf_postfixExpressionContext ctx);
2470 	/**
2471 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#postDecrementExpression}.
2472 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2473 	 */
2474 	void enterPostDecrementExpression(Java9Parser.PostDecrementExpressionContext ctx);
2475 	/**
2476 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#postDecrementExpression}.
2477 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2478 	 */
2479 	void exitPostDecrementExpression(Java9Parser.PostDecrementExpressionContext ctx);
2480 	/**
2481 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#postDecrementExpression_lf_postfixExpression}.
2482 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2483 	 */
2484 	void enterPostDecrementExpression_lf_postfixExpression(Java9Parser.PostDecrementExpression_lf_postfixExpressionContext ctx);
2485 	/**
2486 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#postDecrementExpression_lf_postfixExpression}.
2487 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2488 	 */
2489 	void exitPostDecrementExpression_lf_postfixExpression(Java9Parser.PostDecrementExpression_lf_postfixExpressionContext ctx);
2490 	/**
2491 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#castExpression}.
2492 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2493 	 */
2494 	void enterCastExpression(Java9Parser.CastExpressionContext ctx);
2495 	/**
2496 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#castExpression}.
2497 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2498 	 */
2499 	void exitCastExpression(Java9Parser.CastExpressionContext ctx);
2500 	/**
2501 	 * Enter a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#identifier}.
2502 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2503 	 */
2504 	void enterIdentifier(Java9Parser.IdentifierContext ctx);
2505 	/**
2506 	 * Exit a parse tree produced by {@link Java9Parser#identifier}.
2507 	 * @param ctx the parse tree
2508 	 */
2509 	void exitIdentifier(Java9Parser.IdentifierContext ctx);
2510 }