Smoother API than java.lang.reflect and various InvocationHandlers
- A cleaner API io.earcam.instrumental.proxy.Proxies over java.lang.reflect.Proxy
- A couple of java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler implementations:
- AOP advice like; around invocation
- NOOP; provides safe default return values and noopthing else.
- Easy stub; any matching methods on a PartialInvocationHandler instance will be invoked, otherwise the delegate instance is called (can combine with the NOOP handler)
Please note; PartialInvocationHandler contains some disgusting code for handling interface default methods and also suffers from inner/anon class issues - so don’t try extending this as an anonymous class..
To proxy abstract and concrete classes, see instrumental.proxy.concrete.
Given an interface with default methods:
public interface WithDefaultMethod { default int returnOne() { return 1; } default int returnTwo() { return returnOne() + returnOne(); } }
Selectively override (without inheritance, override by method signature matching):
WithDefaultMethod noop = Proxies.proxy(NOOP_INVOCATION_HANDLER, WithDefaultMethod.class); PartialInvocationHandler<WithDefaultMethod> handler; handler = new PartialInvocationHandler<WithDefaultMethod>(noop) { public int returnTwo() { return -2; } };
And invoke:
WithDefaultMethod proxy = Proxies.proxy(handler, WithDefaultMethod.class); assertThat(proxy.returnOne(), is(1)); assertThat(proxy.returnTwo(), is(-2));