
JPMS module tooling; read/write bytecode/sourcecode

Programmatic support for JPMS module-info

  • Create and read module-info.class
  • Create and read

Used in archive.jpms

Dependency Graph

Module Dependency


Bytecode easily available, furthermore invoking toString() returns the sourcecode:

	ModuleInfo openModule = ModuleInfo.moduleInfo()
			.requiring("java.base", ACC_MANDATED, "9")

	String expected = "/**\n" +
			" * @version 99\n" +
			" * @modifiers open\n" +
			" */\n" +
			"open module com.acme.oh.pan {\n" +
			"	/**\n" +
			"	 * @version 9\n" +
			"	 * @modifiers mandated" +
			"	 */\n" +
			"	requires java.base;\n" +

	assertThat(openModule, hasToString(equalToIgnoringWhiteSpace(expected)));

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Version: 0.1.0. Last Published: 2018-10-08.

Earcam Maven Skin.